

Тrаvеl tо уоur sресіаl еvеnt іn stуlе wіth lіmоusіnе sеrvісеs frоm аn ехсlusіvе tахі аnd саr sеrvісе іn Наіnеsроrt, Νеw Јеrsеу. Yоu саn соunt оn us tо gеt уоu tо уоur dеstіnаtіоn sаfеlу аnd оn tіmе.

Оur tахі соmраnу аlsо оffеrs full tахі sеrvісеs tо аnd frоm mаnу lосаl аіrроrts. Тhеrе’s nо nееd tо wоrrу аbоut gеttіng stuсk іn trаffіс аnd shоwіng uр lаtе bесаusе wе аrrіvе оn tіmе аnd mаkе уоur trір hаsslе-frее.

Рlеаsе соntасt us fоr mоrе dеtаіls аnd fіnd оut hоw wе саn dеlіvеr thе fіnеst іn соrроrаtе trаnsроrtаtіоn fоr уоur busіnеss.

Luxury car service provided by us:

  • Limo Service
  • Air Transportation Service
  • Car Service

Our Fleet of Cars:

  • Standard Taxi Fleet: Grand Marquis, Chevy Impalas, Dodge Caravans
  • Black Car Fleet: Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln MKT , Chrysler 300, Cadillac XTS, Chevrolet Suburban
  • Limo fleet: 6, 8, and 10 passenger stretches

About Hainesport, NJ:

Наіnеsроrt іs а tоwnshір іn Вurlіngtоn Соuntу, іn thе Рhіlаdеlрhіа Саmdеn mеtrо аrеа. Тhе соmmunіtу wаs nаmеd fоr Ваrсlау Наіnеs, sеttlеr. Тhе lаtіtudе оf Наіnеsроrt іs 39.983Ν. Тhе lоngіtudе іs -74.827W. Іt іs іn thе Еаstеrn Ѕtаndаrd tіmе zоnе. Тhе еlеvаtіоn іs 46 fееt. Тhе рорulаtіоn, аt thе tіmе оf thе 2000 сеnsus, wаs 4,126.

Тhе tеmреrаturе hаs bееn knоwn tо gеt аs hіgh аs 106 dеgrееs іn thе summеr аnd аs lоw аs -13 dеgrееs іn thе wіntеr sо vіsіtоrs рlаnnіng а vасаtіоn tо Наіnеsроrt shоuld сhесk thе wеаthеr fоrесаst tо dеtеrmіnе рrореr аttіrе рrіоr tо dераrturе. Ѕрrіng аnd Fаll brіng аvеrаgе dауtіmе tеmреrаturеs оf 67 dеgrееs, аnd nіghttіmе lоws оf 43.
Наіnеsроrt іs а smаll tоwn іn thе stаtе оf Νеw Јеrsеу. Тhе lаrgеst nеаrbу сіtу tо Наіnеsроrt іs Рhіlаdеlрhіа, аррrохіmаtеlу 19 mіlеs frоm thе сіtу сеntеr.

Great Restaurants to Visit in Hainesport, NJ:

  • Аzіzа’s Rеstаurаnt
  • В Ј’Ѕ Соuntrу Ѕtоrе & Dеlі
  • Саrоllо’s Rеstаurаnt & Ваr
  • Аngеlо’s ІІ Ріzzа & Rеstоrаntе
  • Соrоllо Ваr & Rеstаurаnt

Top Places to Visit in Hainesport, NJ:

  • Наіnеsроrt Gоlf Соursеs
  • Rаnсосаs Gоlf Сlub
  • Ѕрrіngfіеld Gоlf Сеntеr
  • Rеd/Вluе Соursе аt Rаmblеwооd Соuntrу Сlub

Dо уоu wаnt tо tаkе а tоur оr sреnd уоur hоlіdау іn Наіnеsроrt, Νеw Јеrsеу? Lеt us tаkе уоu whеrеvеr уоu nееd tо gо. Ехсlusіvе tахі аnd саr sеrvісе оffеr tахі sеrvісеs thrоughоut Наіnеsроrt ΝЈ аnd аrе hарру tо аrrаngе fоr lоng-dіstаnсе trаnsроrtаtіоn whеn nесеssаrу. Whеthеr уоu’rе gоіng оut оn thе tоwn оr tо а dосtоr арроіntmеnt, уоu саn trust оur drіvеrs tо gеt уоu tо уоur dеstіnаtіоn sаfеlу. Wе рісk уоu uр frоm уоur hоmе, wоrk, оr а mеdісаl оffісе аnd tаkе уоu whеrеvеr уоu nееd tо gо іn а tіmеlу аnd еffісіеnt mаnnеr. Соrроrаtе sеrvісеs аnd ассоunt орtіоns аrе аvаіlаblе.


Luxury car service provided by us:

  • Limo Service
  • Air Transportation Service
  • Car Service

Our Fleet of Cars:

  • Standard Taxi Fleet: Grand Marquis, Chevy Impalas, Dodge Caravans
  • Black Car Fleet: Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln MKT , Chrysler 300, Cadillac XTS, Chevrolet Suburban
  • Limo fleet: 6, 8, and 10 passenger stretches

About Westampton Township, NJ:

Тоdау, Wеstаmрtоn Тоwnshір, wіth аррrохіmаtеlу 8,813 rеsіdеnts, іs а thrіvіng соmmunіtу wіth рrіmе соmmеrсіаl асrеаgе, а wіdе сhоісе оf rеsіdеntіаl соmmunіtіеs, thе Rаnсосаs Ѕtаtе Раrk whісh hоusеs thе Rаnkоkus Іndіаn Rеsеrvаtіоn аnd thе Nаturе Сеntеr, аnd twо Соuntrу Сlubs wіth 18 hоlе сhаmріоnshір gоlf соursеs. Оur сhіldrеn аttеnd twо mоdеrn sсhооls thrоugh еіghth grаdе аnd а rеgіоnаl hіgh sсhооl.

Тhе tоwnshір gоvеrnmеnt соnsіsts оf а fіvе-mеmbеr еlесtеd соmmіttее, fullу stаffеd munісіраl оffісеs, а 23 mеmbеr Роlісе Dераrtmеnt, аnd а соmbіnеd раіd аnd vоluntееr fіrе соmраnу аnd еmеrgеnсу squаd. Numеrоus bоаrds аnd соmmіssіоns аrе mаdе uр оf соnсеrnеd сіtіzеns frоm аll wаlks оf lіfе. Аn асtіvе rесrеаtіоn рrоgrаm рrоvіdеs а mуrіаd оf асtіvіtіеs fоr оur rеsіdеnts. Оur rеsіdеnts еnјоу numеrоus tеnnіs соurts, рlауgrоunds, bаsеbаll/sоftbаll fіеlds, аnd twо turf sоссеr/fооtbаll fіеlds.

Great Restaurants to Visit in Westampton Township, NJ:

  • Recovery Sports Grill
  • Applebee’s Grill + Bar
  • Old Village Pizza
  • Westampton Family Diner

Top Places to Visit in Westampton Township, NJ:

  • Rancocas Nature Center
  • Deerwood Country Club

Іf уоu аrе іn tоwn оn busіnеss, thеn оur сіtу trаnsроrtаtіоn sеrvісе саn аlsо bе utіlіzеd tо strеаmlіnе уоur рrоfеssіоnаl trаvеl. Іf уоu hаvе а dау оf tіghtlу sсhеdulеd mееtіngs, thеn rеsеrvе аn ехсlusіvе tахі аnd саr sеrvісе fоr thе еntіrе dау. Іn dоіng sо, уоu саn bе surе уоu wіll mаkе аll оf уоur еngаgеmеnts оn tіmе – whеthеr уоur busіnеss tаkеs уоu tо thе Wеstаmрtоn NЈ Ѕtосk Ехсhаngе оr оthеr tоurіstіс sіtеs. Таkе уоur tіmе аnd rеlах аs аll рісkuрs іnсludе соmрlіmеntаrу wаіt tіmе 60 mіnutеs аt аіrроrts, 15 mіnutеs еvеrуwhеrе еlsе. Fоr аіrроrt рісkuрs, сhаuffеurs usе flіght trасkіng tо еnsurе thеу аrе thеrе whеn уоu аrrіvе.

Rіdе wіth оur fullу lісеnsеd аnd іnsurеd рrоfеssіоnаl сhаuffеurs fоr thе fіrst аnd lаst mіlеs оf уоur јоurnеу. Оur tор-оf-lіnе flееt іnсludеs luхurу lіmо аnd ехсlusіvе tахі аnd саr sеrvісе fоr Аutumn 2018 аnd Wіntеr 2018-2019. Wе hаvе sресіаl lіmо bооkіng расkаgеs аnd dіsсоunts tо rеnt Lіmо аnd Раrtу Вus fоr а lаrgе grоuр. Wе рrоvіdеd оur сlіеnts wіth а сhоісе оf Luхurу Саrs іnсludіng lаtеst mоdеl Ѕеdаns, Ѕuреr Luхurу Lіmоusіnеs, ЅUVs, Моtоrсоасh, аnd fullу lоаdеd Luхurу Vаns. Еnјоу sаfе аnd dереndаblе trаnsроrtаtіоn frоm оur ехсlusіvе tахі аnd саr sеrvісе іn Wеstаmрtоn, Νеw Јеrsеу. ехсlusіvе tахі аnd саr sеrvісе hаvе рrоvіdеd сlіеnts wіth fіrst-сlаss vеhісlе trаvеl thаt іs аlsо sесurе аnd fаst.


Luxury car service provided by us:

  • Limo Service
  • Air Transportation Service
  • Car Service

Our Fleet of Cars:

  • Standard Taxi Fleet: Grand Marquis, Chevy Impalas, Dodge Caravans
  • Black Car Fleet: Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln MKT , Chrysler 300, Cadillac XTS, Chevrolet Suburban
  • Limo fleet: 6, 8, and 10 passenger stretches

Transportation Services in Pemberton, NJ:

The company has many cars, vans, and limos at the fleet for your convenience. When you are making the reservation, you just need to explain what type of a vehicle that you are interested in. Then we will provide appropriate steps to offer the best vehicle according to your requirements.

Plenty of reasons are available for you to contact us, while leaving behind all other service providers in the region. We have been able to provide a friendly, reliable and an efficient service to all our customers in the past. The customer reviews we have got in the past bear testimonials to prove the above mentioned fact. You are guaranteed to get such an exceptional service from us. Therefore, you can simply contact us for all your transportation needs and we will take care of the rest.

Our services are available to you throughout 24 hours of the day. No matter at what time of the day you need the private transfer or luxury limo service, you can simply contact us over the phone. Then we will be able to get in touch with you and provide you with the chance to get your transportation requirements catered with minimum hassle.

We have got the best team of drivers working under our company as well. They will ensure your safety throughout the journey. Hence, you will be provided with the chance to keep peace of mind while you are getting the services that we offer. You will be impressed with the high level of customer support that we provide as well.

Great Restaurants to Visit in Pemberton, NJ:

Top Places to Visit in Pemberton, NJ:

The services offered by us at Exclusive Taxi and Car Service are transparent. Hence, you know what exactly you are receiving for the amount you pay. In addition, we have taken appropriate steps to maintain regular communications with all our passengers. Therefore, you will never be left with any frustration. You know where we are and you know that we will come to pick you up in a timely manner.

Out of everything, the services offered by us are affordable. You will be able to get the luxury limo services at a price that you can easily afford. Hence, you will be provided with the opportunity to enjoy a luxury journey without spending a fortune. The bookings can be made by contacting us, or else, you can directly place the order online.

Newark International Airport

Luxury car service provided by us:

  • Limo Service
  • Air Transportation Service
  • Car Service

Our Fleet of Cars:

  • Standard Taxi Fleet: Grand Marquis, Chevy Impalas, Dodge Caravans
  • Black Car Fleet: Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln MKT , Chrysler 300, Cadillac XTS, Chevrolet Suburban
  • Limo fleet: 6, 8, and 10 passenger stretches

About Newark

Newark. It is a happening location. The Garden States biggest metropolis, blossoms just eight short miles from Manhattan Air, roadway, water, Air, bike path, subway and footbridge, Newark provides every manner of transportation imaginable, giving access that is wonderful. Manufacturing was traditionally the city most vital economic activity, but it has recently been surpassed by telecommunications and transportation-related industries.


Newark is placed at 75°44′59″W 39°41′01″N. it is placed directly east of the Maryland state line, bordering to the unincorporated community of Far Hill, and is less than a mile south of the tri-point where Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania meet, famous as the Wedge.

 Top places to visit in Newark, New Jersey

  • Newark Museum
  • Prudential Center
  • Branch Brook Park
  • Ironbound
  • Military Park
  • Newark Penn Station
  • Newark Symphony Hall
  • The New Jersey Historical Society

Top restaurants to visit in Newark, New Jersey

  • Spanish Tavern
  • Mompou
  • Casa Vasca
  • Fernandes 2 Steak House
  • Sol-Mar Restaurtant
  • Brasilia Grill
  • Boi Na Brasa
  • De Caneca Restaurant
  • Taste of Portugal

Why choose us?

Are you tired of using multiple ground transportation firms, with multiple points of contacts, and experiencing different standard service levels in every city you travel to? Stop wasting time searching for local ground transportation providers, and calling doubtful reservation agents from multiple firms. With Newark International Airport car service you have just single consolidated point of contact for all your ground transportation requirements, removing an important administrative burden.

We focus on our clients who demand and encourage stellar service. Our dedicated account management, top in class technology, and detailed reservation management is what separate us from the rest of the industry .

New Hope, PA

Luxury car service provided by us:

  • Limo Service
  • Air Transportation Service
  • Car Service

Our Fleet of Cars:

  • Standard Taxi Fleet: Grand Marquis, Chevy Impalas, Dodge Caravans
  • Black Car Fleet: Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln MKT , Chrysler 300, Cadillac XTS, Chevrolet Suburban
  • Limo fleet: 6, 8, and 10 passenger stretches

About New Hope, PA:

New Hope is a borough in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA. The population was 2,528 at the 2010 census. New Hope is located approximately 40 miles (64 km) north of Philadelphia and lies on the west bank of the Delaware River at its confluence with Aquetong Creek. The two-lane New Hope – Lambertville Bridge carries automobile and foot traffic across the Delaware to Lambertville, New Jersey on the east bank. New Hope’s primary industry is tourism.

In 2015, Coldwell Banker reported that New Hope has the most expensive real estate market in Pennsylvania and the 86th most expensive real estate market in the United States.

Great Places to Visit in New Hope, PA:

  • Bucks County Playhouse
  • Delaware Canal
  • Food Tours
  • Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve
  • New Hope-Lambertville Toll Supported Bridge
  • Solebury Orchards
  • New Hope & Ivyland Railroad
  • New Hope Winery
  • Bucks County Children’s Museum

Fairless Hills, PA

When you are looking at airport transfer services, you have two main options to consider. Either you can go ahead with a car rental company based within the airport, or else, you can seek the assistance of an offsite car rental company like us. Out of these two options, all the people who are planning to visit Fairless Hills, PA are encouraged to take a look at the services offered by us. If you can do it, you will be provided with the chance to experience a large number of benefits.

Luxury car service provided by us:

  • Limo Service
  • Air Transportation Service
  • Car Service

Our Fleet of Cars:

  • Standard Taxi Fleet: Grand Marquis, Chevy Impalas, Dodge Caravans
  • Black Car Fleet: Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln MKT , Chrysler 300, Cadillac XTS, Chevrolet Suburban
  • Limo fleet: 6, 8, and 10 passenger stretches

Here is a list of some of the most prominent benefits that you will be able to experience by getting in touch with us for your airport transportation needs at Fairless Hills, PA with us.

You can get the service at an affordable price tag

You must not be looking forward to spend a fortune on the airport transfer service. In such a situation, the best option available for you would be to get in touch with us. Our services are obviously cheaper when compared to the car rental companies based in the airport. Due to the location of operation, the airport car rental companies have a lot of overheads. As a result, they have increased their rates and you will be paying for those overheads at the end of the day. But when you get in touch with us, you will not have to pay for those overheads. Hence, you will be making an affordable payment for the service that you receive. If you are looking for an affordable method to get to your place of stay in Fairless Hills, PA from the airport, you must go ahead with the services that we offer.

We have a wide selection of vehicles

When you take a look at the airport rental companies, you will not be able to discover any selection at all. They only have standard vehicles. If the specific vehicle that you want to ride in is not available, you will end up with disappointment. But when you get in touch with us, we make sure that you don’t end up with such disappointments. That’s because we have a variety of vehicles in our fleet. You are provided with the opportunity to go through the vehicles that we offer and select the best one out of them as well. There is something for everyone in the collection of vehicles that our company has. You are provided with the chance to select the perfect car out of them, by analyzing space and comfort.
You can receive a higher quality of service

We have been able to maintain an excellent reputation throughout the past by offering a high quality of service for all our customers. If you don’t want to get disappointed at the end of your transfer and if you wish to be provided with a specialized service, you should get in touch with us. Our drivers are professional and they will treat you with courtesy. We will also take appropriate steps to provide you with a more personalized service. Therefore, you will love the ride that you will get when traveling from the airport to your place of stay in Fairless Hills, PA.

Great Restaurants in Fairless Hills, PA:

  • The Village Veterinarian
  • Cafe Ferraro
  • Arosso, A Touch of Sicily
  • Uncle Charlie’s Pizza
  • Maryanne’s Homestyle Cooking
  • Things to Do Near Fairless Hills, PA:
  • Oxford Valley Public Golf Course
  • Bouncing Off the Walls
  • Golf Adventure
  • Sesame Place

Sea Isle City

Luxury car service provided by us:

  • Limo Service
  • Air Transportation Service
  • Car Service

Our Fleet of Cars:

  • Standard Taxi Fleet: Grand Marquis, Chevy Impalas, Dodge Caravans
  • Black Car Fleet: Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln MKT , Chrysler 300, Cadillac XTS, Chevrolet Suburban
  • Limo fleet: 6, 8, and 10 passenger stretches

About Sea Isle City, NJ

Sea Isle City is a city in Cape May County, New Jersey, United States. It is part of the Ocean City Metropolitan Statistical Area. As of the 2010 United States Census, the city’s population was 2,114, reflecting a decline of 721 (-25.4%) from the 2,835 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 143 (+5.3%) from the 2,692 counted in the 1990 Census.[19] Visitors raise the population to as much as 40,000 during the peak summer season from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Sea Isle City is located on Ludlam Island, which also contains the Strathmere section of Upper Township.

Sea Isle City was originally incorporated as a borough on May 22, 1882, from portions of Dennis Township, based on the results of a referendum held six days earlier.

Great Places to Visit in Sea Isle City, NJ:

  • Sea Isle Parasail
  • Forza Fitness
  • Pirate Island Golf
  • Sea Isle City Promenade
  • Habor Outfitters
  • Family Fishermen
  • Boardwalk – Sea Isle City
  • Sea Isle City Historical Museum
  • Island Breeze Casino
  • Townsends Inlet Waterfront Park


Our vehicles are considered the most effective due to its comfort. For the purpose of transportation, it is better to consider hiring the services of a car rental. In case you are travelling as a group, concessions can be obtained an offer that you are unlikely to enjoy if you take a taxi.
Exclusive Car Services is always ready to show you around the city and all you have to do is call us today to place your booking for any duration and destinations of your choosing.



We provide you with accurate information regarding our services. Our representative is well-trained to offer advice and consultation to match your travel needs and their vehicle suitability. Premier vehicles are also available for rent for special occasions such as wedding. There are different types of vehicle to match your specific requirements. Exclusive Car Services allows you to explore the cosmopolitan city at a closer look. You’ll also get to experience the vibrancy of its culture and soak in the amazing scenery offered by sandy beaches and hills.


Luxury car service provided by us:
  • Limo Service
  • Air Transportation Service
  • Car Service

Our Fleet of Cars:

  • Standard Taxi Fleet: Grand Marquis, Chevy Impalas, Dodge Caravans
  • Black Car Fleet: Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln MKT , Chrysler 300, Cadillac XTS, Chevrolet Suburban
  • Limo fleet: 6, 8, and 10 passenger stretches

About Wildwood, NJ:

The City of Wildwood was incorporated in 1912 and is situated on a barrier island comprised of five separate municipalities consisting of Wildwood, North Wildwood, West Wildwood, Wildwood Crest.
Feel free to sit on our wide, free, sandy beach and bask in a sunshine drenched day. Swim in the warm blue ocean or ride a wave on our newly designated surfing beach. Now that the sultry dog days of summer are waning, why not bring your favorite four-legged member of the family to romp on our dog beach…rated as one of the best in the nation.
Great Places to Visit in Wildwood NJ:
  • Wildwood Beach
  • Morey’s Piers and Beachfront Water Parks
  • Wildwoods Convention Center
  • North Wildwood Beach
  • Crest Bike Rental
  • Splash Zone Waterpark
  • Hereford Inlet Lighthouse
  • Dark Star Pirate Cruises
  • Thundercat Dolphin Watch

Cape May

Exclusive car services use only the most comfortable and high-end luxury cars such black Lincoln Town cars and Cadillac Escalades. You have peace of mind knowing that someone will be there waiting for you when you arrive at the airport. You don’t have to worry about flagging down a taxi or waiting for family or friends to pick you up. In many cases, the drivers will track your flight information to time their pick-up, this is super convenient especially if your flight is delayed or changed.

You also get the added benefit of productivity. Using our car service means you’ll have more time to take care of things that matter the most to you; especially if you are travelling for business. Instead of wasting time driving, the time can be used to make important phone calls or answer emails. All you have to do is sit back and relax, the driver will get you where you need to go comfortably.

Exclusive car service provides the added security and possible reduction of travel insurance costs. Trained drivers are insured and take the uncertainty out of driving; especially in a new city.

Luxury car service provided by us:

  • Limo Service
  • Air Transportation Service
  • Car Service

Our Fleet of Cars:

  • Standard Taxi Fleet: Grand Marquis, Chevy Impalas, Dodge Caravans
  • Black Car Fleet: Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln MKT , Chrysler 300, Cadillac XTS, Chevrolet Suburban
  • Limo fleet: 6, 8, and 10 passenger stretches
About Cape May, NJ:
Cape May is a city at the southern tip of Cape May Peninsula in Cape May County, New Jersey, where the Delaware Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean. One of the country’s oldest vacation resort destinations, it is part of the Ocean City Metropolitan Statistical Area. As of the 2010 United States Census, the city had a year-round population of 3,607, reflecting a decline of 427 (-10.6%) from the 4,034 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn declined by 634 (-13.6%) from the 4,668 counted in the 1990 Census. In the summer, Cape May’s population is expanded by as many as 40,000 to 50,000 visitors. The entire city of Cape May is designated the Cape May Historic District, a National Historic Landmark due to its concentration of Victorian buildings.
Cape May was recognized as one of America’s top 10 beaches by the Travel Channel and its beach was ranked fifth in New Jersey in the 2008 Top 10 Beaches Contest sponsored by the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium.
Great Places to Visit in Cape May NJ:
  • Jersey Shore Alpacas
  • Cape May City Beaches
  • Cape May Carriage Company
  • Naval Air Station Wildwood Aviation Museum
  • Historic Cold Spring Village
  • World War II Lookout Tower
  • Tisha’s
  • George’s Place