Choosing ideal transport is always a tricky business since a lot of thought goes into it. You can never be sure of your choice. When you have a group of people to manage and transport at the same time you have only two options which you can go for and those are a Party Bus and Limousine.

Party Bus and Limousine are two best options for choosing a mode of transport for any special event at which you need to travel with a group. They both come with their own set of pros and cons which can help you decide which is better for you.

Why choose a party bus?

If you are planning to take the party on the road then the party bus is the transport you are looking for. A party bus becomes the ideal moving venue for your party even before you reach the venue where the main party is going to take place.

Some of the party buses have the capacity of up to 50 people making it ideal for a group of friends, bachelor party or even any other major party that you are going to and want to arrive in style. They are relatively cheaper and safer for the environment. Also including services and amenities like the high ceiling, more leg space, TVs, laser lights, mini stocked bars, and much more. With the much larger space, you get a chance to move around even show off some dance moves.

The only con of opting for a Party bus is the added cleaning fee which might be a bit higher due to the much larger space.

Why choose a limousine?

A limo always screams style, elegance, and sophistication. If you have an event to attend which is more towards the formal side or business-related this is the transport that you are looking for. Limos are known for leaving a lasting impression on every onlooker. It is a luxury vehicle for all since it is connected to the rich and famous.

When you choose a limo you are opting for a luxury vibe that allows you bask in the grandeur. You also get privacy during your travels with the tinted windows and a divider from the driver. The limos are considerably cheaper as the transport of you have multiple people traveling with you. If you have a small and intimate party who is traveling with you a Limo will provide the perfect space to accommodate them all.

The cons that come along with a limo are that they are more of a formal vehicle and clash with a relaxed party vibe. Also if you have a bigger party then space might become a problem since it is not as big as a party bus.

With all the pros and cons laid out in front of you choosing a Party Bus and Limousine according to your choice and requirements can be an easy decision. Keep in mind your event and then make the decision.

Exclusive Taxi and Car service have a large range and variety of party buses and limousine to choose from which they offer throughout the year no matter what the occasion you are looking for transport.